"That Touch"

"That Touch" which is hard to explain and not easy to forget and such touch happens with each and every women on earth once in a life and such touch are not easy to bury, it stays in mind with us. I want to clarify it by some incidents which i know not easy to express but I have to for those women who suffers such touches.
  It was an incident of one of my known she was walking in the morning on footpath and a man came on bicycle and touch her on chest and ran away, and the lady was afraid and ran back to her home, one more incident a girl was standing in her balcony a very known person of her family come from backside and press her chest so hardly and she got stuck and shout out of pain and ran away but could not find a courage to speak. One lady once told me that she was gone for some fair there was a bit crowd there, a man come from backside and touch her back and then hide himself in crowd. These touch are such which gives us goosebumps and make you locked in yourself for a while and after that we get normal also but somewhere it goes in a mind. Why such things happens? Why such touch are done? Why people get so inhuman and do such things? Such acts happen and repeatedly happen due to lack of voice raising at the time of such acts happen and the above incidents I put is explains the same. If such things happen to those women can happen to others also by the same men again because they are fearless as nobody point out them for those acts. The need is to raise voice at the very same point when such things happen, I know its not easy for a woman to recover from such act at that same point and give a slap to damn such touch but need is to have courage and slap it out at the very same point.

There is a moment started name as " #me too" which was done by those who goes through such incidents and many cases come in light. Its good to raise voice but its important to raise voice at that same point to break the courage of such person to do such things again with other women.

In Actual such touches are not only done to woman body but to her dignity also, These are such scars which are not visible but painful and such memories which are not easy to bury also. Think how difficult for a woman to survive such touch so for men's think before you do such acts and for women's give a damn slam without a thought to such acts.

"Somethings broke us from inside, but answer to these things built us from every side"


  1. This "touch" is humiliating, degrading, and extremely damaging to a woman's self esteem. Yes, I understand that courage to speak up is needed, but not on "our" terms; it should only be on the terms of the one who was involved. Pushing someone to speak up can create the same humiliating, degrading, and damaging feelings.

  2. I worked at s domestic violence crisis center after college. Invisible scares were the hardest. Powerful.

  3. Being touched without our consent is a violation we never forget. Thank you for bringing up awareness. As women we need to take a stand, NO should mean NO.

  4. Definitely need to speak up for this type of violence, this is absolutely not acceptable at all.

  5. While I understand your point on this touchy subject, and you're right it does need to be talked about more often, but it is not up to you to decide when or if a woman would want to speak up about such an event in her life. I know someone who has been through so much in this subject that happened in her childhood. She has only just recently started opening up about it, and it's heartbreaking to hear what she went through - and I can understand now, why women would want to keep that part of their life private. It does something to the way they see themselves in their everyday life. I also have to disagree that this to "each and every woman" as you put it. Not every woman has gone through this, and it shouldn't be assumed that every woman will.

  6. I have never experienced this in my life, but I know women who have. I cannot imagine what these women have gone through. I will help raise awareness so it can be stopped and help be a voice for my friends that have gone through this.

  7. I have fortunately never experienced this, and I hope never to experience it. Terrible that someone can do this to someone else. More needs to be done, so that this can stop

  8. That is sad when men abuse women in such a way. Violating them is horrible and it does do damage to them. I am sorry anyone has to deal with this.


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