
Relationships a very big word and have very huge meaning too..

 What this word makes us feel when we think about relationships, there are many relations in life we come across but from them how many relations we actually live with?
Today I am writing this blog makes me think about many relations which I have gone through in my life, My mind is taking a roller coaster of so many relations of my life being a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister etc.but which is the best I live or we live in our lives, 
Every relation comes with a responsibility but the main thing is how we deal with such responsibilities, Sometimes we fail sometimes we pass.

Lets take a Husband Wife relationship:

Husband and wife relation is just like a car and a fuel or battery and phone or pen and ink these all things are waste without each other same ways husband and wife are together important to each other, the major part of this relation is trust, if it is not relation is useless .Trust gives you a way to understanding , when trust is strong no body can break this bond. it is very important to have trust on the person you love.  second thing is Respect your partner because it is very important to respect your spouse if you respect them the world will respect them and gives you a strong connectivity too.
Intimacy is a part of this relation, a touch ,a feel, a passion to feel your loved one out of love not out of lust, make them feel special not harassed them , then what you get is a strong bonded lovable relation . Sometimes people talk about a word compatibility, but what is compatibility ? its what you make with your spouse by your efforts for a perfect relation.
"Relationships are very precious, Hold them before they fall"


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