Never Give Up

What is life? Why we live, Why there is a need of survival ? why we have to think about others? why we have goals? How we can accomplish them? Why am i putting these questions? Today, I am putting these questions because from 4-5 months I have come across many suicidal cases. So I decided to write something which could motivate people from not giving up or lead themselves to the suicide or from ending up themselves.

Why people suicide? Why they think of ending their lives?Why they give up? There are many reasons behind it for every stage of person. There are some real incidents which  I am illustrating today are There is a girl of class 12th who suicides due to less marks in her boards, the pressure built upon students to get good marks makes her to suicide. The student of class 8th suicides why because of insulted by one of its teacher can you believe it student of class 8th have so much courage to commit suicide. I have heard of a young guy who falls in front of train, for whom parents were searching girl for marriage, nobody knows why he suicide. The lady, mother of two kids of about 4-5 years of age commits suicide from a very well settled family. The lady of about 40 years who burnt herself completely mother of two young boys have very well family and loving husband and from all of these, the young celebrities from our industry also commit suicide the case of Jia Khan, Prayusha Banerjee, Kuljeet Randhawa they all are well in their carriers when they were known but the struggles or might be any other reason make them to commit suicide. These were all which I know but there are many.

People commit suicide because they feel helpless ,when they have no one around, when things get out of control, issues which are beyond to sort but the major reason behind is isolation, In today's era people fixed themselves to little people only and to internet friends which sometimes isolates you from the dear ones or the one who cares for you. Another reason is when we continuously strive for something or something to achieve but we can't then also the pressure built up of ending up ourselves. So the need is to understand Why people give up and ended themselves? Always think of before you give actions to such things or thinking of committing suicide then give a thought of people behind you, family behind you ,your carrier behind you, your goals behind you, the struggle you gave to achieve behind it so never end up yourself and never give up in life because after a dark night there is always a  brighter day and its not easy to let your precious life go for something very stupid because you know if not this. I can do another things, I am capable not coward to let my life go.

One thing more I want to add here people commit suicide but left many questions behind, even your image in the eyes of others like Why did he commit suicide? might be financial crisis, oh didn't get the good marks in exams, was not settled in life, carrier was not going good, might be girl friend left him and so on so never give chances to others to point out your life instead do something to make feel proud others and its your life think before you ended up, you have done good deeds in your previous birth that's why god gave you human birth. So think twice before your actions and if feel low then talk to your dear ones, try to get motivate lessons , do something funny , Go on vacations ,Call your friends , throw parties but don't end yourself and never give up.

" Life is full of happiness, It depends on us how we extract happiness out of it"


  1. I also believe in never giving up because at the end everything gets solved.

  2. You never know what a person is thinking or going through. That's why it's important to uplift people whenever possible. Great post!

  3. Great article and inspiring content, keep it up :-)

  4. Nice article... The rate at which young people are commuting suicide is akarming..nearly one every hour...basic cause is lack.of communication...
    God bless you

  5. Woah, nice blog, I believe it's pretty inspiring. And well, it's such a sad thing that so many people wish to end their lives...

  6. This is so true and inspiring, everyone goes through a lot of stuff but we should always push through.

  7. This I can relate. I feel like people end their lives because they can't find another option. That is not true! There will always be a way to find the end of the tunnel.

    ~ Ellen

  8. This is so inspirational! I will make sure to share it with my friends! We should never ever give up!

  9. I think it is really important to remember that everything in life is a stage.. things will change, they will go up and down and it is good to know that nothing is forever and we can get through anything!

  10. this is such a good message. When people are going through a tough time it is difficult to imagine a time when that will pass, but eventually it does.

  11. Many years ago after my brother was killed, I had these thoughts of ending my life and almost died several times. I felt like life was not worth living but I am glad that God gave me many more chances.

  12. A very well written post. Life is really what we make of it, and we have to keep going even when things get hard

  13. Yes, I just love this post. What a powerful message. I do hope no one ever gives up and always tries to keep going. Life can be tough, but there are people who can help.

  14. True. Sometimes it may seem like giving up is the easy way out. But it really isn't.

  15. Simple message put across in a non preachy beautiful manner. Absolutely the way to go in Life!

  16. I don't think you can imagine or understand what happens in the mind of a person who is about to take their own life. Mostly it's due to depression, which even these days is a strigma and people refuse to talk about it. Which is very sad.

  17. What a great article. I think life trials is just a fuel in our soul to keep moving forward. But when people deal with depression, stress and so on they seem to choose to be quite and deal the problem themselves instead of talking to someone that can help. Very helpful post here.

  18. I like your writing style. I guess it is important to remember that sadness and joy are both parts of life and sadness does not last forever. Moreover if needed one should ask for help.

  19. There is always a break in the clouds, no matter how bad things look. What may look like a disaster today, will eventually sort itself out. I know it's hard to see it in the moment, but things always work out, one way or the other!

  20. Suicidal thoughts and actions are different for ever person. Some people can feel alone even though they are surrounded by friends and family, while others are alone. There''s no right way that works on everyone who is suicidal and not everyone shows those symptoms the same way. Try to pay attentions to those around you and if something changes, talk with them. Let them know that you're there to listen and ask if you can help.

  21. Thank you so much for your emotional outreach..when you deal with so many people that are suffering, it is hard! Don't forget to take care of you! We need more of your love and outreach in this world!

  22. It's a beautiful post. Yes you are right, it depends on us how we extract happiness. It's actually our mind set that make us happy or sad. Also, we should never lose hope and give up.

  23. Suicide is never an answer to any problem. It leaves people around you broken :-(

  24. I have never given up on anything. I agree with this 100%.

  25. It is actually quite sad to know more and more people committed suicide, even those who are still really young. I mean, an 8 years old? The parents must be really devastated.

  26. I find it absolutely shocking how young suicide victims are nowadays. As a child, it was never even a part of my thought process or something that I was familiar. It's incredibly sad.

    This is such a difficult post to respond to without sounding trite. Or uninformed. All I have left to say is that I hope more people can find ways to get the help they need in order to not make such a drastic and permanent decision.

    I am a suicide attempt survivor. Life can feel unbearable at times. It can and will get better. It wasn't immediate for me. It's been well over twenty years and I still think about that darkness often and almost felt like a stranger took over at that particular time period. But it was me.

    I'm rambling. Anyway...sending good thoughts to everyone and anyone that might need it at this particular time.

  27. Can't agree more! Everything has a solution in this life. We can never loose hope, we just need to keep going on. Its okay to get tired, its okay to feel sad and cry, but once we have decompressed we need to keep moving forward. Great post! Keep it up<3


  28. I totally agree there is always a way to help those we just need to see the signs.

  29. In my opinion, we should not give-up easily. There are many human beings who have worst issues than we have and still they are alive. We should be grateful and use our life better.

  30. Very inspiring post. We have not to give up and try our best until things get solved.

  31. This is all very inspiring! I agree to Never Give Up and push through adversity!!

  32. Such a thought provoking post. People have sought suicide as a solution to end their problems. So sad that people often don’t seek help or talk about what they are going through for fear of being judged. There is such a negative connotation when it comes to mental health and it needs to change. Everyone struggles mentally at one time or another. It’s not a bad thing, it’s a human thing. We should all be there for the people we love and look for opportunities to help them if we find that they are struggling. Thanks for sharing!

  33. It's so sad that nowadays so many young people are thinking about giving up. It's so important to give them a proper support

  34. I can only imagine what it feels like to feel helpless. I find it extremely saddening that young children commit suicide because they have no way out. Very good message here!

  35. Such an inspiring post. People who are feeling low will definitely be uplifted reading this. I hope many blogs will continue to inspire readers like you.

  36. Such an inspiring post Suhani. Never give up, and be confident in what you do.

  37. Life is so full of happiness but we have to share it in love. Some people have a lot going on in their lives to the extent of having suicidal thoughts but once we recognize this, we should try help them.

  38. We all have moments of hopelessness and even the thoughts of giving up is strong because of being disappointed or even tired of trying. The silver lining should be the chance that we can always switch the narrative we just have to do something different so even in the painful thoughts and moment, do something different and positive to get you moving.

  39. Every one gets sad. We have to remember that its usually temporary, but suicide is not.

  40. Great post! Where is life, there is hope!


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