Change the attitude towards life

There are two sides of coin, in the same way everything or every matter or any point in life has two aspects, it depends on us how we look towards it, which side of coin we choose."Everyday may not be good but there is something good in Everyday". It all depends on our attitude, How we perceive the things. I know everybody has some or the other problem in life like in business, relationships, financial, health, social any kind of the problem arise anytime. But the main point is how you look at your problems, If you feel it more and more it will get bigger for you, situations get more worse if the attitude is not correct and positive. There is a great example I have regarding this, I met a lady in our neighbourhood new in our colony, she is very positive lady and the attitude she maintains make fond of her because from 2 years ago she met with an accident complete disaster her car got destroyed She got complete stitches from her face to head there is problem in her left eye due to accident didn't find it by looking at her, until she told me and the complete rest for 6 months or you can say completely isolated from the world to recover herself from the injury and now today with those little scars and stitch marks she is at great management level job with good income and a motivational speaker too who have change many people life also and on listening her story and by looking at her I was not able to match her, This shows the attitude which she maintains, she lives with it, if she didn't choose the correct way and positive attitude, she was lost somewhere in the darkness.

So this is the only attitude which makes a positive or negative personality in us, How we perceive the situation is completely on us, Try to find always a positive route to your situations and then see problems will not overcome you, Sometimes people get confused between right and wrong like If I lost my job what will happen, If I get loss in business, If my husband leaves me and many other aspects so this is the beginning of negativity, The only thing works here is attitude. If I loss my job, no worries I am capable enough to get new one. This is not me who will run from the situation, I will deal with it, This positive nature gives you the correct
way and the power to take correct decision.



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