Give a break to your Hesitations

Hesitation is our fear or nervousness before doing something, which sometimes stop us from doing it. Hesitation actually happens when we are not certain about something, but the point is until we didn't give a shot or try to do something we will always hesitate there will never be a start. It happens with many of us like when someone delivering a speech, performing a dance, or wants to say something or wants to keep any point of view but something from inside stop us that is our hesitation. It happens with me also when I started my blogs I also hesitate it takes me almost 3 days to start with blogging even after opening an account a feeling of hesitation if my English was not OK, if there are grammatical errors, if I don't write well but I have to do it and then I give a break to my hesitations and started with my blogs and today happy too with people comments and appreciations.

You know, when any idea clicks in mind we should give a shot to it otherwise we will always hesitate and never overcome our fear to do something or to keep our points in front of others. People with great ideas or with different views sometimes left behind because of their hesitations, so be confident because until we didn't start we will never achieve it. Always keep a thought in mind if  I will be wrong no worries people will correct me and there are chances for betterment at least I am trying. yes I have that courage to do what i wants to do. Need is only to give a break to your hesitations then see the new confident person in you.

"Chances are in our hands, it depends on us to stop or to begin nobody not even our hesitation can stop us" 


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