Ups and Downs of life

There is a proverb " if there is no ups and downs in your life it means you are dead" this line speaks a lot, life is about great joys and great losses it all depend on us How we deal with it? , Even ECG shows the ups and downs which means you are alive and going through the situations of life, enjoy your ups and have courage for your down, Today I am just sharing a brief story of  a lady whom i met whose life is full of ups and down  and what have she gone through. She was married to a rich young smart man, love her a lot have very good and small family with two kids one boy and a girl. Suddenly, one day lady's husband got a attack and he went in coma for almost 2 years ,The chapter of life got completely changed from a happy family to sad moments. She used to go daily hospital early in the morning at 7 and sit beside her husband bed whole day leave at 7 in the evening, have never seen a day in these two years just a morning and a evening almost after 2 years there was a sign of recovery in her husband so they took him to home but after 10 day of it her husband died, that was a very sad moment of her life that's not all then she start living with her in-laws but it was not easy for her but she tried, daily on some or the other matter her in-laws tortured her and her kids. One day she got a courage and left her in-laws home and try to live on her own deciding her destiny now whatever will happen will see but will fight with the situation, now her life started moving on she got a government job her children got well settle, now she has everything whatever she lost that was her phrase of down but today is her ups.
So it some how inspires us be whatever the situation is its just a phrase will come and go but have the courage to fight with it then see , there is after every dark night there is a bright morning.


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