
"That Touch"

"That Touch" which is hard to explain and not easy to forget and such touch happens with each and every women on earth once in a life and such touch are not easy to bury, it stays in mind with us. I want to clarify it by some incidents which i know not easy to express but I have to for those women who suffers such touches.   It was an incident of one of my known she was walking in the morning on footpath and a man came on bicycle and touch her on chest and ran away, and the lady was afraid and ran back to her home, one more incident a girl was standing in her balcony a very known person of her family come from backside and press her chest so hardly and she got stuck and shout out of pain and ran away but could not find a courage to speak. One lady once told me that she was gone for some fair there was a bit crowd there, a man come from backside and touch her back and then hide himself in crowd. These touch are such which gives us goosebumps and make you locked in yourself

Never Give Up

What is life? Why we live, Why there is a need of survival ? why we have to think about others? why we have goals? How we can accomplish them? Why am i putting these questions? Today, I am putting these questions because from 4-5 months I have come across many suicidal cases. So I decided to write something which could motivate people from not giving up or lead themselves to the suicide or from ending up themselves. Why people suicide? Why they think of ending their lives?Why they give up? There are many reasons behind it for every stage of person. There are some real incidents which  I am illustrating today are There is a girl of class 12th who suicides due to less marks in her boards, the pressure built upon students to get good marks makes her to suicide. The student of class 8th suicides why because of insulted by one of its teacher can you believe it student of class 8th have so much courage to commit suicide. I have heard of a young guy who falls in front of train, for whom

Give a break to your Hesitations

Hesitation is our fear or nervousness before doing something, which sometimes stop us from doing it. Hesitation actually happens when we are not certain about something, but the point is until we didn't give a shot or try to do something we will always hesitate there will never be a start. It happens with many of us like when someone delivering a speech, performing a dance, or wants to say something or wants to keep any point of view but something from inside stop us that is our hesitation. It happens with me also when I started my blogs I also hesitate it takes me almost 3 days to start with blogging even after opening an account a feeling of hesitation if my English was not OK, if there are grammatical errors, if I don't write well but I have to do it and then I give a break to my hesitations and started with my blogs and today happy too with people comments and appreciations. You know, when any idea clicks in mind we should give a shot to it otherwise we will always

Detox negativity from life

Detox means removal of toxins from our body, cleansing the body from the waste which is of no use and harmful too, in the same ways  detoxification of negativity from our life is also important to keep our mind healthy and mentally fit. What is negativity? Negativity is an attitude, feeling or a thought which consistently happen to us and expect to us for something negative to happen. Mind is full of thoughts and at every nano second a new thought generates in mind, a negative or a positive. Negative thoughts come again and again, lowers our confidence plus leads to mental agony too. Have you ever thought Why negative thought comes? The first of all the main point is when we are idle we have nothing to do, then we think a lot and most out of it is negative only and it's a saying too " An idle mind is devil's workshop, so we should always try to involved us in some work.  Another point here works is the environment means our surrounding where we survive or the type

"What will people say" a fatal disease

There are some diseases which gradually leads to death or disastrous health, One of them is psychological disease  "What will people say "which gradually destroys the human thoughts, losses the human will to take decisions or to do something which they really want to do or achieve, People get affect by it: What will people say, whenever we are trying to achieve something or strive for our goals, We get affected by people thoughts, sayings, excuses and started thinking Are we doing right?, Is our decision correct?, Can I do it? What if people see? What will people say? such thoughts when come in mind it mislead us from our focus, goals, our decisions. The main thing is we should not get affected by such thoughts because the real deal is people have no job, they are no one to stop us from achieving something which we want to. The goal is yours not others , The work is yours not others. It's a saying "When you have two ears, use both of them listen from one ear keep

Change the attitude towards life

There are two sides of coin, in the same way everything or every matter or any point in life has two aspects, it depends on us how we look towards it, which side of coin we choose."Everyday may not be good but there is something good in Everyday". It all depends on our attitude, How we perceive the things. I know everybody has some or the other problem in life like in business, relationships, financial, health, social any kind of the problem arise anytime. But the main point is how you look at your problems, If you feel it more and more it will get bigger for you, situations get more worse if the attitude is not correct and positive. There is a great example I have regarding this, I met a lady in our neighbourhood new in our colony, she is very positive lady and the attitude she maintains make fond of her because from 2 years ago she met with an accident complete disaster her car got destroyed She got complete stitches from her face to head there is problem in her left

Ups and Downs of life

There is a proverb " if there is no ups and downs in your life it means you are dead" this line speaks a lot, life is about great joys and great losses it all depend on us How we deal with it? , Even ECG shows the ups and downs which means you are alive and going through the situations of life, enjoy your ups and have courage for your down, Today I am just sharing a brief story of  a lady whom i met whose life is full of ups and down  and what have she gone through. She was married to a rich young smart man, love her a lot have very good and small family with two kids one boy and a girl. Suddenly, one day lady's husband got a attack and he went in coma for almost 2 years ,The chapter of life got completely changed from a happy family to sad moments. She used to go daily hospital early in the morning at 7 and sit beside her husband bed whole day leave at 7 in the evening, have never seen a day in these two years just a morning and a evening almost after 2 years there